Saturday, May 7, 2011

April showers bring...

 Okay so I thought the point of having an ugly/shitty/awful April was to be able to run around naked in the beautiful weather through out May.  No?  Did I not get the "Spring isn't coming this year" memo?

Advice time- when in doubt say yes.
For example: when your boss asks if you are coming out with him to drink at a friend's loft SAY YES.
I have never been so inspired as watching all of these legends drink and laugh and just be who they are around each other.  Seeing these dancers in their 40s,50s,60s still making fun of each other. still tangoing drunkenly in the living room with each other. still talking about performing and making art and what is happening with the arts now in our society...all I could do was sit and watch and laugh. 

I learned a lot that night.  And I'm so eager to find myself in more places with people I can learn from.  I feel like I've been teaching too much for too long...having to take the lead and make everything happen because everyone else is too afraid.

Alright...Starfucks is freezing so I can't keep typing here...but...stay tuned for more fun living on the C-List (much is happening soon!)

Oh...and the end of this posts' title is "more rain."