Friday, April 29, 2011

Where the hell have I been?

So.  For the month of April, this blog should have been called "The C-List everywhere-but-New York City".  I feel like I've been in and out so much and haven't even had a chance to sit down and cut my toenails (seriously. they are foul right now).


And seeing as how this is my last night in this particular apartment located on the the <cough>awful<cough> Upper East Side, I thought I should do a bit of updating.

Here's a quick glance at what my April entailed:
Los Angeles and Las Vegas through April 1st
Saratoga Springs on the 3rd and then again the 8th through the 10th
Tivoli, New York the 12th through the 17th
Austin, TX the 21st through the 26th...
and now finally a weekend in beautiful (and finally flipping showing some Spring weather) New York City.

Wow that was a lot.  I feel pretty lucky though...because every single one of those trips included performing, taking class, teaching, playing with best friends, or just being happy in general.  I think I would do okay with a life on the road.  If I didn't have to still pay rent. :)

Anyways...onward and upward I think and I'm excited for what is to come. New place to live. New job. New FREAKING LIFE.

hahaha. kinda. that I'm in one city for a bit (namely the one I started this blog for) I'll be seeing you kids much more. Via my awesome writing skills of course.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Back and Better Than Ever's been a month and I've been sleeping on the job.

Well, really I've been hauling ass and working and finally got a break last week to go visit the West Coast (bestcoast) for a bit.

My dearest friend lives in West Hollywood...and it was probably the most fun I've ever had on a vacation getting to literally live with her for a week.  From playing at the burlesque club she works at, to shopping and going out in West Hollywood (Cali gays don't fuck around.  Well, I mean the for sure fuck around but at least they look better doing it than pale ass NYC bitches), LADY GAGA CONCERT, and we even took some dancey classes together.

Man I love that place.  And that girl. 
From LA I went to Vegas with some of my best friend's from school Huey, Duey, and Louie.  Duey is from Vegas so we stayed in her mom's (beautiful) house and got to hang out with some of her friends.  Here's the thing, I love knowing people with connections.  Club pool, night club was probably the most fun I've had in Vegas (of all 4 times I've been).  It was also cool to see one of my good Oklahomies/NYCers/now-he-works-in-Vegas-and-loves-his-life.  Let's just say what happens in Vegas really does stay there.
For now. :)

Anyways now it's back into the grind as my roommate and I look for a new apartment and I keep pretending like money grows on trees or in little plastic squares in my pocket. 

I promise not to leave my blog lonely for that long again...AND I'M POSTING PICS SOON.
(you should all also know that the elliptical DID come...and not lives in Brooklyn with a family much more loving than myself.)