Thursday, February 17, 2011

Die Valentine's.

Alright.  Here's the thing.  I don't even PRETEND to celebrate Valentine's Day.  Nor do I think that anybody should be forced to:
a) feel like shit because of their lack of some "significant other" on a day when only people with said "significant other" are supposed to be celebrating
b) feel like shit because they have to provide afore mentioned "significant other" with some sort of gift, present, date, or other monetary contribution that will invariably not live up to what the "significant other" had in mind for a perfect day celebrating love.

First of all...FUCK LOVE.

Just kidding.  But you totally thought this post was heading in that direction didn't you?  I am actually a huge fan of love.  I love a lot of things.  My bed (is it sad that my bed is always the first thing I think about when contemplating love?  Not in a dirty way.  I just love sleeping...but that's a blog for another day...)  Also, I have some fantastic friends that I can honestly say I love very much.  Also I have this awesome brother and sister combo that can't really be beat. 
However, I am also a huge fan of people appreciating the people they care for on a regular basis.  I'm not saying I'm some sort of expert at this, nor do I think I know anyone who is...BUT I think it's a bit ridiculous that on one day everyone is forced by some card company to freak out because they are alone or freak out because they have to re-impress the person they are with.

That all being said: I had a Valentine's Day date this year.

(sounds of shock and appall thunder from audience)

But I totally kept it from being that.  It was definately just having dinner on a Monday...A fantastic Breakfast for Dinner that included homemade cheesy scones, egg/vegetable/wonderfulness, and roasted potatoes.  And mimosas (Obviously).  My date was a fantastic cook and hosted me in his quaint apartment in Queens. 
Not bad for a regular Monday dinner huh?

Long story short it took a whole drawn out "Not Valentine's Day Dinner Date on a Regular Monday" for me to realize that I am simply not in it to win it with a relationship right now.
Or maybe there just wasn't chemistry.

Whatever it was I still hate Valentine's Day.  And on that note I'm going to Duane Reade to get some cheap discounted red and pink chocolate.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rachael Ray and Auditions.

Those two things don't relate to each other. At least not yet.

So...first things first...if a friend ever asks you if you want to go be in the live audience of a Television show taping SAY YES.

My dear friend asked me to come with her to see Rachael Ray last Tuesday...and we actually ended up taping the Friday "Super Bowl Cook-Off" show.

Here's where we come to life lesson number 2:
When someone is taking a picture of you...DON'T LOOK LIKE AN ASS.

The audience members were all being herded (several actually looked like cattle)into a hallway before the holding room where a man with a camera was taking each audience members picture. Of course as he filed through all the 30 to 40-something women he kept yelling "next. next. next."
Sir. Just because you are gay doesn't mean you have to say something awkward to me.
"Oh hi, how's it going?"
"Uh..." (he takes awful picture of me)


So then...blah blah we finally get you don't get to eat anything...LUCKY YOU SEGMENT. Of course as every audience members' photo flashed across the screen they all moan and squeal about how awful their picture was but each of their oversized middle-aged housewife asses wanted the elliptical machine and decade long supply of oatmeal.
I'm clarevoyant.
I totally knew it would be my ugly-ass picture that popped up.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I WON THE ELLIPTICAL AND OATMEAL. Is my apartment much too small to hold any sort of other furniture than it has, let alone a giant piece of exercise equipment. Also it should be noted: my gym is literally a block away. 1 block.

I'm not being ungrateful. Selling that thing is gonna pay off my credit card and hopefully buy my spring break ticket to L.A.

I'm so sick of being poor.

In other news: during the audition I did today I decided I want one of my contributions to the dance world to be spatial awareness. Because too many people lack that.
Holla if you feel me.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day One...

Where it all begins. The first post. So much pressure right?


The plan is:
Sharing the little stupid stuff I've learned after living in this city for 3 1/2 years that has helped me love (and sometimes survive) living in THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD.

I don't think I'm more important than anyone. And perhaps this will cut down on my recent obsession with tweeting and updating my facebook. REAL LIFE IS MORE FUN. So I'm gonna share little bits of mine on here.

If its just really awesome I plan on recapping right here on THE C-LIST NEW YORK.

sidenote: don't be fooled by the letter before "list" in the title. While I could have made a blog with the letter "A" there is sadly already a homosexual Real Housewives of New York rip-off show with that I cleverly took the first letter of my name.  Consequently, that may make this blog seem less quality than others...but I'm willing to take that risk. Plus, now I don't have to do as much to impress all of you.