Thursday, February 17, 2011

Die Valentine's.

Alright.  Here's the thing.  I don't even PRETEND to celebrate Valentine's Day.  Nor do I think that anybody should be forced to:
a) feel like shit because of their lack of some "significant other" on a day when only people with said "significant other" are supposed to be celebrating
b) feel like shit because they have to provide afore mentioned "significant other" with some sort of gift, present, date, or other monetary contribution that will invariably not live up to what the "significant other" had in mind for a perfect day celebrating love.

First of all...FUCK LOVE.

Just kidding.  But you totally thought this post was heading in that direction didn't you?  I am actually a huge fan of love.  I love a lot of things.  My bed (is it sad that my bed is always the first thing I think about when contemplating love?  Not in a dirty way.  I just love sleeping...but that's a blog for another day...)  Also, I have some fantastic friends that I can honestly say I love very much.  Also I have this awesome brother and sister combo that can't really be beat. 
However, I am also a huge fan of people appreciating the people they care for on a regular basis.  I'm not saying I'm some sort of expert at this, nor do I think I know anyone who is...BUT I think it's a bit ridiculous that on one day everyone is forced by some card company to freak out because they are alone or freak out because they have to re-impress the person they are with.

That all being said: I had a Valentine's Day date this year.

(sounds of shock and appall thunder from audience)

But I totally kept it from being that.  It was definately just having dinner on a Monday...A fantastic Breakfast for Dinner that included homemade cheesy scones, egg/vegetable/wonderfulness, and roasted potatoes.  And mimosas (Obviously).  My date was a fantastic cook and hosted me in his quaint apartment in Queens. 
Not bad for a regular Monday dinner huh?

Long story short it took a whole drawn out "Not Valentine's Day Dinner Date on a Regular Monday" for me to realize that I am simply not in it to win it with a relationship right now.
Or maybe there just wasn't chemistry.

Whatever it was I still hate Valentine's Day.  And on that note I'm going to Duane Reade to get some cheap discounted red and pink chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. are you still a vegan?
    glad you had a good and realizing vday.


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