Tuesday, July 5, 2011



There was a lot to celebrate yesterday (besides that crazy thing that got signed 235 years ago).  New York recently legalized gay marriage...!!!!!!!!!!  My roommate just found out he will be living In The Heights starting in October (so excited for him)!!! And...I am going to visit the good 'ole South at the end of this month!

Okay...so not really all that New York related.  But all pretty exciting nonetheless.  I continued my C-Lister tradition of viewing the fireworks from a roof in Williamsburg...I don't really know why anyone would WANT to be right next to the where the fireworks are being shot off.  It seems like it would be a bit loud and crowded. And missing the whole fun part that is supposed to be a part of any July 4th celebration.

All in all...it was a great show, great friends, and I'm so glad I finally found a place that sells Blueberry Beer (Food Emporium if you are wondering). 

That's all for now fellow C-Listers...now go tell someone to "f*** off" while it's still beautiful out.


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